American Repertory Theatre The Donkey Show |The Doorman (understudy) Moonbox Productions Parade | Luther Rosser (supporting) NOMINATED FOR ELLIOT NORTON AWARD FOR BEST ENSEMBLE Schoolhouse Rock Live* | George (lead) Priscilla Beach Theatre The Drowsy Chaperone (dir. Robert W. Schneider) |Robert Martin (lead) BSU’s Family Performing Arts Center Once Upon a Mattress (dir/choreo. Larry Souza) |Prince Dauntless (lead) Bay Colony Shakespeare Company The Winter’s Tale (dir. Monica Giordano) | Mariner, et. al A Midsummer Night’s Dream (dir. Neil McGarry) | Robin Starveling Brandeis University Theatre Arts Department Leveling Up (dir. Robert Walsh) |Ian (lead) Shoes On, Shoes Off(dir/ choreo. Susan Dibble) | featured Tiny Dance Project #1(dir/ choreo. Susan Dibble) |featured FreePlay Theatre Cooperative Lampreys in the Night (staged reading) |Orange (featured)
*- denotes current/ upcoming project
Special Skills Singing (Baritone), Tap Dancing, Puppet Manipulation, Clowning, Voices (Carol Channing, Bob Dylan, Louis Armstrong, various Muppets)